Catechists and Assistants Needed
Many times we ask ourselves, "What can I do to help change the World?" One thing you can do is help children to know and love the Lord. You do not need a degree in Theology to help them learn about God.
All you need is to share your Love for God and want to serve others to grow yourself personally and spiritually in the process of teaching the Word of God. This is a golden opportunity to help our parish's children who are seeking to learn about God. Please stand up and say "HERE I AM, LORD" since HE is the one calling YOU!
For information, fill out the form and drop it in the collection basket, leave it at the Rectory office or send it email to Rosemarie Morales.
Thank you and God Blessings for you and your family!
Josefina Vazquez, MSW, DRE
Contact Info: Rosemarie Morales